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Embedding HTML into HTML

Embedding HTML outputs in general

  • We can embed just about any HTML snippet with <iframe> or <embed>.
  • Embedding static visualizations from packages such as ggplot2, ggmap or rworldmap, to name a few, can be done with image outputs (.png, .pdf) or HTML outputs.
  • For htmlwidgets, we can work with HTML outputs, as we demonstrate further down, or with the Shiny server. In both cases, the final results are interactive.
  • Some interactive visualization packages, like ggvis, require the Shiny server to be fully interactive.
  • The HTML document heading:
    code_folding: hide

If the figures are generated with fig.width=5, fig.height=5; they should fit in a 520x520px box. In some case, we might need more room…

Embedding outputs from…

…the leaflet package

<iframe seamless src="../img/leaflet_frag.html" width=520px height=520px ></iframe>
<embed seamless src="../img/leaflet_frag.html" width=520px height=520px ></embed>

…the dygraphs package

<embed seamless src="../img/dygraphs_frag.html" width=520px height=520px ></embed>

…the plotly package

<embed seamless src="../img/plotly_frag.html" width=520px height=520px ></embed>

…the rbokeh package

<embed seamless src="../img/rbokeh_frag.html" width=540px height=540px ></embed>

…the highcharters package

Highcharts ( is a Highsoft software product which is not free for commercial and Governmental use.

<embed seamless src="../img/highcharters_frag.html" width=600px height=600px ></embed>

…the datatables package

<embed seamless src="../img/datatable_frag.html" width=700px height=600px ></embed>