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Embedding Rmd into Rmd

Stand-alone .Rdm document

It is one document with a header; the settings determine the output (HTML, Word, PDF) style and appearance:

title: "Document only"
output: html_document

Embedding .Rmd sub-documents into a .Rmd document

It is also possible to create sub-documents to be casted in the main document.

The sub-documents have to headers, no settings. They are not even html_fragment. They simply contain Markdown text strings and code chunks.

The main document is like a stand-alone document. Its settings are applied to itself and its ‘children’.

Within the main document, we call sub-documents with this code chunk (path and filename):

```{r, child="sub1.Rmd"}


We can add extra options: eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE, include=FALSE, etc. to bypass the main settings.

We can compile sub-documents to test them.

We compile the main document to wrap up the complete document (‘parent + children’).